About Us
Inspiring happy hearts & cheerful faces through sweets, soda & shirts.​
For 25 years Creator Designs has provided fan gear to our community as well as many others. Upon making the decision to separate our retail from our custom business, we knew we needed additional products to carry. What better way to inspire happy hearts & cheerful faces than through candy & soda pop!
"A happy heart makes a cheerful face..."
Proverbs 15:13
Meet Dwain & Trina
Dwain & Trina have 4 sons, two daughters-in-law, and one grandson! The Banners also own Creator Designs, a screen printing company, that started in 1991. Dwain and Trina both work there on a daily basis. If Dwain has spare time, he'll be coaching his boys or working on the farm. Trina loves all things candy and anything colorful. If you catch any of the Banners at Creator Delights, tell them hi and let them know what makes your heart happy and your face cheerful.